Happy first weekend of the new year! This little series (that packs a punch) will be about the questions that, through prayer and meditation, I found myself asking questions - (or more precisely the Holy Spirit giving to me) - to help me rev up for the coming of 2024. They were eye opening, and at times, annoying, to me so I thought why not share!
I am going to break these up because they just kept coming and the last thing we need on Day 7 of 2024 is to feel overwhelm. No, Thank you!
So will you journey with me?
For the next few weeks I plan to share with you questions, and oftentimes simple sentences, to complete. Maybe I’ll be brave enough to offer you some insight on how they fed, shook, or pricked me. Are you in? Oh, and if you are thinking I’m about to ask you what your goals are, you’ll be disappointed. NO GOALS REQUIRED. Apparently, this year the Holy Spirit has other intentions….
For this week jot these first three sentences down. But you may want to fill in these blanks later down line after some other questions have entered into the mix, or you might know right now. Remember, follow the Holy Spirit, enjoy the process, definitely pray and meditate on it. Ask God what the answers are instead of trying to rush to complete what you think you already know. You might very well be surprised when you do that. But whatever you do, don’t overthink, or try to get something right!
This is the year of: ____________.
Word(s) for the year: __________.
Saint(s) for the year: ___________.
Ponder in your heart for a while before you rush to fill in the next blanks. (And yes, some of you will know immediately the answers.) There is something to be said for the quick intuitive hit or conviction from the spirit of wisdom.
This year I will gently let go of:
This year I will swiftly let go of:
This year I am severing:
This year I am cutting all cords that:
Finally (in this bunch) –
This year I will re-acquaint myself with:
I love the words of that last one; how gentle the word “re-acquaint” is. For instance, I was always a dancer from a very young age and well into adulthood. I cannot remember the last time I put a tap or ballet shoe on my foot. Do I want to dance again the way I used to? Maybe. Would I the same way? Probably not. Could I re-acquaint myself with that dance movement? The shoes? The flow? The beauty and grace? I could. And re-acquainting could be a metaphorical soft minuet with tea; a book on dance; opening up an old bag of shoes; smiling upon the memories; watching more ballet performances; dancing alone in my living room. Whatever it is, it can be soft, subtle, and filled with kindness. Re-acquaintance.
What is that for you?
I would really love to hear what comes up. So do share! Of course you don’t have to share your answers, but I’d like to hear how these sentences to complete help inspire you to do some new things. Next week we’ll continue with a few more.
But first, fill in the blanks!