#2 - Making Changes for a Great 2024: A Serene Journey into the Woods
Part Two in This "Fill in The Blank" Interactive Happy New Year Series.
Welcome back to the second part of what I’m calling the fill-in-the-blank series to help you get closer to making choices this year. How am I doing that? By offering some statements for you to finish. It’s that easy. The Holy Spirit will do the rest - if you ask.
If you want to start at the beginning, and I do suggest this, read these articles in order by starting with Making Changes For a Great 2024.
My desire for you is to keep these in nourishing and gratifying bite-sized portions so you do not walk away overwhelmed, thereby dropping it, or have to spend too much time reading. After all, you want to spend more time musing, contemplating, and praying for your answers with God.
Last week you completed some pretty bold open ended statements. (Spoiler: Get ready for it to get bolder). If you haven’t quite figured them out yet, it’s no surprise for they deal with themes. And themes sometimes bubble up after you have more clues. So it’s okay to keep returning to them, perhaps using pencil. The answers will arrive!
The final contemplation last week was “This year I will re-acquaint myself with _________.” Having your answer to this will help you with the next group. For instance, if you are re-acquainting yourself with “hope” then it can act as a filter through which you approach everything this year.
Tip: Get a really beautiful booklet or journal just for this. Or dig out one that’s been waiting for a reason to be used. This is it! Make this good work special. It will help you along this journey to the Truth.
Extending from last week’s statements of “severing”…:
This year I will put an END to ________________.
(I am well aware that the first group of statements sound much alike. But are they?)
This year I am releasing control of ________________. (Put it on a sticky where you’ll see it every stinking day. Also: ouch. I know.)
This year I am allowing myself to _________________. (The more general this answer the less results you’ll see. Keep going down the rabbit hole.)
This year I will sacrifice, for the Glory of God, _________________, for the good of _______________. (The “sacrifice” is offered up for God’s will. It can hurt a little, but it’s for the good of something this side of heaven. So it’s really worth it. This is the part where it’s not all about you. Again, ouch, I know… because I know. And again, ouch.)
If you use these statements in sort of quick “manifesting” forcing of your own will to “make something happen”, then be prepared for more of the same ole stuff you’ve dealt with year after year. Expect the January 1st fuel to die by around the 15th as you loaf on the couch falling back into the same habits. Sound harsh? I know. I’ve been there… many times. Try something new. So…might I suggest:
Turn off the sounds, vibrations, distractions of all sorts. Rest in the quiet so you can actually hear the voice of Truth and Love. Instead of doing quiet… simply sit and be. Have this be a partnership with the Lover of Your Soul. Be together in this with the Holy Spirit instead of just doing the filling in of the blanks on your own, working it all out for yourself. One of the biggest lies we humans are apt to believe is that “it” is all up to us. (What a wonderful thing to sever.) Sit with God and actually ask for the answers. It’s not likely that you’ll be surprised by what you hear.
It’s certain that you’ll be surprised by what you hear.
See you next week for more! Get ready. We aren’t playing around in 2024.
If you want more conversation and support on this topic through the week where I muse on more examples, join me on Instagram @fleuralysdobbins where I am posting live stories about this series until it’s finished. My account is private so send a DM that says you found me here.